News: current affairs
Current judgment on the GOZ now legally binding
The district court of Stuttgart confirms the numbers 6100a, 6110a, 2200a and 6090 GOZ for the aligner treatment. The final judgment: LGStuttgartUrtv15223.pdf (German) ... »
A personal summary – Prof. em. dr Rainer Reginald Miethke
GOOD DAY AND FAREWELL! Hello, because the 7th Scientific Congress of Aligner Orthodontics has ended, which the ... »
The DGAO takes stock of the year and gives an outlook for the new year
Dear colleagues, what a year it is that is now behind us! Exciting, eventful, demanding and successful ... »
1st Virtual DGAO Scientific Congress for Aligner Orthodontics
Dear members and interested parties, we are pleased to announce the "1st Virtual DGAO Scientific Congress for Aligner Orthodontics" on Saturday, March 6th, 2021 ... »
DGAO goes virtual: Everything stays different...
After the German Society for Aligner Orthodontics (DGAO) felt compelled with a heavy heart to hold its 6th scientific congress in November ... »
1st Virtual DGAO Science Congress 2021
Dear colleagues, we have done everything to ensure that the 6th Scientific Congress for Aligner Orthodontics takes place. Yet ... "
6th DGAO Congress 2020 cancelled
Dear colleagues, we have done everything to ensure that the 6th Scientific Congress for Aligner Orthodontics takes place. Yet ... "
6th Scientific Congress for Aligner Orthodontics 2020
Save the date! November 20th to 21st, 2020 in Cologne, Gürzenich 6th Scientific Congress for Aligner Orthodontics Big events throw ... »
DGAO takes a stand against aligner therapies on the internet
Beautiful teeth by post In its leading article, the ZM in issue 6/2018 reports on the business practices of Internet companies, which ... »
5th Scientific Congress for Aligner Orthodontics
November 23rd and 24th, 2018 in Cologne - Save the date! Great events cast their shadows ahead. Therefore we would like ... »